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Savannah Pangborn
* Helping society
* Being intelligent
* Stability
I don't value physical challenges and competition.
Things I Need to Achieve
* Getting my Driver's License
* Improving interview skills
* Getting work experience
* I prefer to finish one job before I start another .
* I arrange my belongings in a organized way.
* I am ambitious .
* Having little chance of job loss
* Keeping a routine
* Have a high income
Not Important
* Working outside close to nature
* Working in an occupation that fits my religious beliefs
* Be given opportunities to travel and see new places
short Term:
* Get a job
* Get a license
* Get a car
Medium Term:
* Pay off the car
* Graduate with a's
* Get prepared/pick a college
Long Term:
* Graduate college with a masters degree
* Move to New York
* Get married
I am strong in expressing feelings and disagreeing openly.
I need to work on being patient and reducing tension.
* I'm very organized
* I'm good at achieving my goals
* I try to see things from others point of view
* I'm impatient
* I let my emotions overcome me
* I can be argumentative.
* Student loans
* Not being accepted for the job
* Not getting accepted to the college I want
* High demand for the career I want
* Having a resume present when I apply for jobs
* Saving up money to pay off the car.
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